Monday, January 27, 2014

"Frozen's" Secretly Depressing Ending

My girlfriend finally got me to take her to see Disney's "Frozen" last weekend. Since this is the internet, I'm willing to admit that it was actually pretty good. The little snowman in particular was cute. But this isn't about how "Frozen" works as a movie--for that, you can go read the dozens of glowing reviews penned elsewhere. This is about a problem I had with the ending.

The ending, for those of you haven't seen the movie, is a characteristically happy one with the bad guys getting their comeuppance and a happily ever after for our plucky heroines. The sisters realize they love each other, Ana is saved from certain death, Elsa learns to harness the power of her witchcraft, and the kingdom is saved. Hooray! Another delightfully saccharine Disney ending. Until you think about it more, specifically about what happens to this guy:

This guy is the Duke of Weaselton, and he is portrayed as an avaricious dick. He spends the duration of the movie trying to depose Elsa, so that he can exploit Ardanelle (the name of the kingdom that Elsa rules) for financial gain. He's sly and underhanded and has no respect for the power of love or magic or reindeer or anything else that you could make a Disney ride out of. And for his troubles, he is unceremoniously deported from the kingdom and told that the queen will be shutting down all trade with Weaselton. Yeah! Way to hit him where it hurts! What's the problem?

Well, earlier in the movie, he describes his kingdom to the queen as "your closest partner in trade." So Ardanelle has just ceased all trade with it's most lucrative market? I'm sure that won't cause an economic depression and an increase in unemployment. Even if Ardanelle can survive the loss of Weaseltonian goods and the tax revenue the trade brings in, the move demonstrates a remarkably dim grasp of a global economy and foreign policy. But hey, at least all of the merchants will have snowmen and ice rinks to amuse themselves with as they slowly go broke.

I guess this is what happens when you hand absolute power to a girl who grew up locked away in her bedroom. 

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